• Sessions will generally take place Tuesday-Sunday, between 11am-5pm, at the studio in Bushwick. You will be able to schedule sessions based on your availability.

  • If the sessions involve on-camera work, all the footage from the work sessions are included.

  • It is recommended to schedule one session per week, so that you have proper time to process and prepare for each session.

  • Please contact James for bookings + any questions.


3-week journey focused on understanding the fundamentals of artist mindset

  • Weekly 80-minute 1:1 sessions

  • Each session will be customized for each artist based on their needs after the introduction.

  • Special discounts available for James Jin Images photo sessions upon completion.


4-week journey focused on expanding our understanding and building a continuous practice over the course of 4 weeks. For artists who want to continue their journey after Artist Mindset Foundation.

  • Weekly 80-minute 1:1 sessions

  • Each session will be customized for each artist based on their needs.